MAD COOL FITNESS is a feeling, a way of being and behaving, a lifestyle. The definition of MAD COOL FITNESS is “unconditional, empowered fitness”; a person engages in healthy behaviors no matter what life throws your way.
Companies are anchor institutions of society. They not only build businesses but also leaders who impact society both through their business decisions and how they show up professionally and personally.
Companies are now recognizing that when employees bring their “whole selves” to work, it makes for better leadership and productivity. Employees also recognize that their business selves and their personal selves are most powerful when the two are integrated. Good health and healthy lifestyle skills (time management, stress management, organizational skills, effective communication) are skills not only for good health but also for good leadership.
Everyday consumers outside of companies also need these healthy lifestyle skills and need to become MAD COOL too. That’s why MAD COOL FITNESS is delivered in companies and directly to consumers.
MAD COOL FITNESS for Corporations

MAD COOL specializes in company wellness. HR leaders, invest in your high-performing leaders. Support them with health programs that coach them to be their fittest and most empowered selves and enable them to be better leaders.
MAD COOL Philosophy
Whether MAD COOL is delivered corporately or directly to consumers, the philosophy is the same.
A person doesn’t naturally know how to be healthy, they need to learn how to be healthy. They are the drivers of their own unique wellness journeys. Cookie-cutter fitness and fad solutions cannot be prescribed for them as “the answer”.
With coaching and support, a person can discover their own unique “answer”, a Healthy Lifestyle System that works for them.
MAD COOL FITNESS programs help a person to:
- LEARN how to be healthy even under life’s most difficult situations
- STOP THE CYCLE of yo-yo dieting, stress eating, consistent inconsistency
- BUILD resilience
- ACHIEVE the highest level of self-actualization and health empowerment
MAD COOL FITNESS teaches a person how to fish vs. giving a person a fish so they can eat (healthy) every day, not just one day.
While discovering their own, MAD COOL FITNESS, they will do the mental and emotional foundational work that will support healthy eating and exercise, building resilience and health, and overall life, empowerment.
All actions start in the brain.

The Three B’s initially start in that order, then over time, as a person’s body changes (feeling and looking better), and they acquire positive health-promoting experiences (increased health self-efficacy/confidence), this linear relationship becomes more of a virtuous cycle in which all Three B’s impact each other.
Through our proprietary health empowerment, behavior change program MAD COOL F.I.T. (Fitness Integration Training)
Focus on the head first; healthier behavior and body will follow.
Readiness to Change
Behavioral Science – The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
How you start something affects where you end up. Your original intent (motivation), thoughts (how you think about health and fitness) you’re your readiness to change (are you really ready to change your behavior to be healthy?)
The MAD COOL philosophy is based on behavioral science, in particular the concept of “readiness to change”. The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM) assesses readiness to change.
The Stages of Change are:
Pre-contemplation – Not Ready to Change Stage
Contemplation – Thinking About Changing Stage
Preparation – Getting Ready to Do The Change Stage
Action – Doing the Change Stage
Maintenance – Have Been Doing the Change for 6 months Stage
Relapse – Oops! Fell off the Fitness Wagon; The “SH$T Happens” Stage
A person needs to assess their readiness to change before they buy 1 DVD, buy 1 diet book, buy 1 Direct Response yada yada piece of fitness gear, or plunk down the dough for that gym membership. They need to ask themselves, “Am I really ready to change?”
Regardless of where the person is in their readiness, if they engage with MAD COOL FITNESS, we coach them to move them from one stage to the next in their health empowerment journey.
Content that supports your MAD COOL LIFE
Behavior Change
Behavior Change videos will you to manage stress, build healthy habits, and develop the skills to be empowered.
MAD COOL FITNESS is unconditional, empowered fitness.
A person engages in healthy behaviors no matter what life throws their way.
MAD COOL in Your Hood
Experience MAD COOL FITNESS locally in your neighborhood. Sign up for our wellness seminars which include MAD COOL Cardio a high-octane cardio dance class for all fitness level, with health coaching to get your head right too!